This is about someone associated with Durham University. I remember her being an exceptionally good natured person whom I never saw or heard of either doing or saying anything nasty, unkind or vulgar. I'm not saying if she actually was a Christian, but she certainly came across as one in the truest and best sense. She was the sweetest pupil in our school, and not interested in being one of the cool 'in crowd'. She reminded me of my mother, and still does. I will never forgive myself for having been, nevertheless, too afraid to be friendly towards her, due to bullying by others. I am afraid of her marrying someone else. I want her to know how truly I admire and love her. Please see my blog : Iadmireandlovehal4eternity
This is the blog of SLAG ~ SURREALIST LONDON ACTION GROUP. Here you will find the group's theoretical writings, political statements and creative works, as well as occasional contributions from our Surrealist friends worldwide. SLAG was formally dissolved in a ritual of love, destruction and creation on 22 January 2016. To find out what happened next, or to get involved, email t6u6l6s AT
My sharp-eyed comrade Josie Malinowski has just pointed out that my Latin sucks!
This is about someone associated with Durham University. I remember her being an exceptionally good natured person whom I never saw or heard of either doing or saying anything nasty, unkind or vulgar. I'm not saying if she actually was a Christian, but she certainly came across as one in the truest and best sense. She was the sweetest pupil in our school, and not interested in being one of the cool 'in crowd'. She reminded me of my mother, and still does. I will never forgive myself for having been, nevertheless, too afraid to be friendly towards her, due to bullying by others. I am afraid of her marrying someone else. I want her to know how truly I admire and love her. Please see my blog : Iadmireandlovehal4eternity
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