Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Molière is having a soirée!

Molière is having a soirée!

He invited me, I’m Rio Marè

He’s holding it in the underground church

Where the wartime fruitbats lurch.

He serves up shots of tequila-milk

Which crackle in the throat and taste like filth

And at about a quarter to three

He made an honorary pass at me.

“Being a sailor is a profession, not a career,” (he said)

As he stroked the cum on his mushroom head

And I felt a tingle in my sexual cells

And I showed him how to ring my blueberry bells.

We each had a bolus of mianserin

And he said, “It’s all about connecting things,”

As he carefully joined together two spider webs

With his gentle, sticky fingers.

Elva Jozef

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