Apart from articles, polemical texts, letters and, especially, tracts – a form particularly favoured by surrealists – their taste for insults is equally demonstrated in some fundamental texts (Breton, Second Surrealist Manifesto, 1930; Aragon, Treatise on Style, 1928), as well as in several poetic works, of which Benjamin Peret’s I Don’t Eat That Bread (1932) remains the finest specimen. Whatever the context, moreover, the effectiveness of the insult, for the surrealists, always comes from the skill with which they deploy the resources of metaphor. As for their choice of target, it is certainly not limited to external enemies: insults are frequently employed with the same violence in controversies among surrealists themselves, such as during the crisis at the end of the 1920s, the documents from which, notably the Second Surrealist Manifesto and the second pamphlet A Corpse, contain attacks which rank among the most virulent in the whole history of the movement.
Petr Kral
in Adam Biro & René Passeron (1982) eds, Dictionnaire général du Surréalisme et de ses environs, Presses Universitaires de France
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in Adam Biro & René Passeron (1982) eds, Dictionnaire général du Surréalisme et de ses environs, Presses Universitaires de France
For a Spanish version of this article, click here.
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